GENERAL LEGAL  [last updated 7/05]

United States cases and codes (at

Legal news, statutes, and additional legal information (

Information about the Federal Government (very useful site!  Also available in Spanish)

California state legislative information (including the state constitution and codes)

Information on cases before the US Supreme Court (Northwestern University Journalism School)

Constitutions of the world

Legal materials from France (constitution, laws, etc. in French or in English

Eur-lex (European Union law--in about 20 different languages!)

Legal documents on the CourtTV website

Proceedings at the Old Bailey (contains brief descriptions of many criminal trials, mostly 18th century)

Legal Engine Search Index
(collection of the web's most useful legal resources and information).

Internet Legal Resource Guide
(index TO more than 4,000 websites in 238 nations concerning law and the legal
profession, with an emphasis on the United States.)

Bureau of Justice Statistics

The Federal Death Penalty System: A Statistical Survey

Election 2000 materials (Stanford Law School)

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
Welsh legislation (in both English and Welsh) 


International Association of Forensic Linguists  (academic organization)

Fiat Lex (a blog on language and law run by law prof Jim Chen)

Language in the Judicial Process (online journal)

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts: Linguistics and the Law

Information about famous American trials (Kellermann)

Site on language and law in Switzerland (in German)

Italian site (Eurac)

German site (Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften)


Plain Language Network: US organization that works to improve communication between the federal government and the public

Federal government's plain language site

Securities and Exchange Commission Plain English Handbook

Federal Register Document Drafting Handbook

Clarity: An international movement that promotes the use of plain legal and official language

Plain English Campaign: A British organization that publishes books, rewrites documents and certifies clear, well-written documents

Mexico, under the iniatitive of President Vicente Fox to make govenment more accountable to the people, has also begun a plain language movement, called lenguaje ciudadano ("citizen's language").  Visit their  website.

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